The Central Register of Staff

The Central Register of Staff

The Central Register of personnel, regulated by article 71 of the royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of 30 october, which approves the consolidated text of the law of the Basic Statute of the employee, and regulated by royal decree 1405/1986, of 6 june and the royal decree 1/1999, of 30 december, is the state administrative body in which the staff at your service and are taken, required, all acts affecting their lives.

To carry out these inscriptions and annotations the competent bodies in terms of personnel referred to the RCPrecord-keeping documentsrecogiendo los distintos actos administrativos (tomas de posesión, ceses, reconocimientos de grado, etc...).

Law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public administrations, establishes in article 26 the issuance of administrative documents in writing by electronic means.

Since 15 july 2020 as the Central Register of personnel accepts only the electronic communication of administrative acts and personnel, for what they are available the following services:

Anot@RCP: this allows keeping documents the RCP.

Consult@RCP: consultation of official registration.

Edit@RCP: Generation of official registration.