Civil Service
- Civil Service
- Quiénes somos
- Directora General de Función Pública
- Subdirector General de Planificación de Recursos Humanos y Retribuciones
- Subdirección General de Planificación de Recursos Humanos y Retribuciones
The Central Register of personnel has its origin in article 12 of decree no. 315/1964, of 7 february, which approves the law articulated Civilian Staff of the state. This provision provided for the existence of a register of personnel to the Civil administration of the state as well as the registration of appointments, dismissals or recruitment would be a prerequisite for the accreditation of relevant assets.
That same year, decree no. 864/1964, of 9 april, established a first regulation of relations of staff and services, included a first codification of administrative situations and created the number of personnel records.
Originally contained only information of the staff member of the bodies attached to the ministry of Public Administration (popularly known as “ general Bodies ”); little by little, it incorporated the staff of the bodies attached to other ministries (“ special forces ”) and the scales of Autonomous Bodies.
Subsequently, the law 30/1984 of 2 august, of measures for civil service reform, mentioned in its article 13 that all the administrations should have personal records coordination between them, and in particular, a Central register to fit all staff in the service of state administration. Also article 18 of the law 53/1984 of 26 december, the staff of the service of the Public Authorities mentioned the obligation to record in the records for the resolutions of support for a second post play or activity in the public sector or the exercise of private activities.
In its early days the personnel management was conducted mostly on paper, which is why during the 1980s were delegated offices of the Central register of personnel in those ministries and agencies where their presence is deemed appropriate. These were composed of staff of pmscs operating on the mandate of the RCP, regardless of their secondment to the organizational unit that manages the RCP, and was responsible for registering and recording in RCP acts and resolutions adopted by the Body. The hotel staff facilitated the management and assistance for these units.
In 1990 began publication theStatistical Bulletinthe service staff of the public authorities. This is a statistics prepared by the Central Register of personnel from the list of administrative data collected from different sources, with the aim of presenting information of the troops in the service ofState Civil Service,Administrations of the Autonomous Communitiesy la Administración Local. Este Boletín está incluido en el Plan Estadístico Nacional.
The final disposition fourth of the law 13/1996, of 30 december measures, fiscal, administrative and Social council, i added a new dimension that is beyond the purely, indicating that the Central Register of personnel should provide the necessary information in the field of human resources in the public sector.
The forecasts of the law on measures for civil service reform was carried out in Royal Decree 1405/1986, of 6 june, which adopted the rules of procedure of the Central register of personnel and coordination with those of the remaining Public Administrations, which was amended by royal decree 1/1999 of 30 december.
Currently, the royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of 30 october, which approves the consolidated text of the law of the Basic Statute of the public employee, provides in article 71 the obligation of each Public Administration to establish a register of personnel, which will include data relating to staff included in its scope of application, noting that may have aggregated information on the other human resources of their respective public sector, and calls upon the momentum of the integrated management of human resources.
In parallel to that policy developments, the Central Register of staff has always been linked to technological progress. Its first mechanization 1968 and his first computerization in 1972. The current information system was launched in 2003, accompanying the amendment of regulation, and it has been continuously improved and expanded since then. In addition, this system has a number of applications and services, each with specific functionalities:
- RCP: is the core of the information system of the Central Register of personnel; consists of a database of personnel files and other integrated database for the organizational structures and jobs.
-CECIR Portal: this is a means to share information concerning cases of modification of Jobs between the management of staff and members of the inter-ministerial commission of fines and its Executive committee.
- Badaral: was the first application of human resources management which is directly connected with the RCP; allows you to generate the official registration, send them to signing of the competent authority and the office delegate, anotarlos in RCP and store on RCPDOC. It is in the process of extinction and, therefore, is not adapted to the Fourth Geneva Convention, with labour for the General state administration.
-SIGP: the integrated management system of staff (SIGP) consists of a number of human resources management to allow participation gradually the various competent bodies, ensuring the reduction of time in the processes, the availability of information and avoiding duplication of data and tasks. Allows the connection with NEDAES for the management of the list of public employees.
- eSIR: the statistical information system of the RCP brings together information from the RCP and other external sources, allowing its statistical exploitation for the preparation of the Statistical bulletin of staff in the service of the AAPP and other personnel statistics.
- Edit RCP: this website service enables applications to create documents hr registration in accordance with the standard formats approved by the secretariat of state for Territorial Policy and Public service. Presented as a main advantage that allows hr applications isolate itself from such formats changes arising from amendments to legislation in force.
-Annotate RCP: this is a web service that allows all RRHH of state administration and public universities sending electronic documents to the Central register of personnel for their entry.
- RCPDOC: es el gestor de documentos del Sistema de Información del RCP; almacena más de 20 millones de documentos.
- Consult@RCP: This website service enables applications to clients consultation of the record-keeping documents available in the file manager RCPDOC documents for the RCP.