Evaluation of public policies
Law 27/2002 of 20 december, the institutionalization of the evaluation of public policies in the General state administration.
27/2002 Of 20 december, the institutionalization of the evaluation of public policies in the General state administration, under agenda item 6, to structure the public system of evaluation of public policies in the General state administration with the aim of raising the evaluation as a tool for collective learning and organizational framework, improving the public service, to serve the accountability and transparency, which contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of public action and the improvement in the formulation of public policies and their subsequent implementation.
This law promotes the culture of evaluation and the practice of evaluation with a transversal approach a holistic and participatory as a tool to assess the real impact of public policies.
Evaluar es apreciar, analizar, valorar y juzgar una intervención pública a fin de mejorar su calidad.
What is the assessment of public policies?
The evaluation of public policies is a systematic process and reasoned knowledge generation, from the collection, analysis and interpretation of information, aimed at the comprehensive understanding of an intervention - whether a policy, plan, program or norm, to reach a judgemental trial, based on evidence regarding its design, implementation and impact (outputs and impacts).
What is the point of the evaluation of public policies?
- Allows to promote transparency and accountability to citizenship, and contributes to the improvement of the quality of democracy.
- It is a tool to aid decision-making based on evidence.
- Enhances the effectiveness and efficiency in public action, promoting greater rationality of public spending.
- Is a tool for learning and contributes to the improvement of the strategic and operational dimension public action.
- Promotes participation in public action.
What can be assessed?
You can evaluate public proceedings, whatever form: political, plan, program or measure.
The evaluation decides on the design, implementation (implementation) and effects (outputs and impacts) of public proceedings.
What is the Institute for the Evaluation of public policies?
Royal Decree 507/2021, of July 10, by which the ministerial departments are restructured and Royal Decree 682/2021, of 3 August, which develops the basic organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance and Public Service and modifies the Royal Decree 139/2020, of 28 January, establishing the basic organizational structure of the ministerial departmentsthe Institute for the Evaluation of public policies are technically cleared by the Ministry of Finance and Public Service through the Secretariat of State of Public Service, with organic level of sub-department (article 14.6).
The Institute has developed in the field of the General State Administration and its agencies:
- The evaluation of public policies and plans and programmes for which assessment was assigned by, in coordination with ministerial departments.
- The formation of a culture of evaluation of public policies.
- The formulation and dissemination of evaluation methodologies.
- Encouraging the formation of public employees in this area, in coordination with the national institute of public administration,
- The instrumental support necessary to conduct the analysis that require modernization or planning that will provide impetus from the ministry of Territorial Policy and Public service.
What other activities related to the evaluation of public policies performs the IEPP?
- The training in evaluation of public policies.
- The development of technical documents and methodologies on evaluation of public policies.
- Participates in various agencies, organizations and forums related to the evaluation of public policies.