Office Of Conflicts Of Interest
Competencies of the office of conflicts of interest
Members of the government and senior officials of the General state administration (Ley3/2015, of 30 march, regulating the exercise of the high office).
- Drafting of reports under the law.
- La gestión del régimen de incompatibilidades y conflictos de intereses de los altos cargos del Estado.
- To require those who are appointed or cease in the exercise of a high office of the General administration of the state to fulfil their obligations under the law.
- The upkeep and management of activities and of goods and Property Rights of senior officials of the General state administration, and the responsibility of guardianship, security and compensation of data and documents that they contain.
- Cooperate, in the areas of its own, with similar Bodies.
Staff in the service of the public administrations (Act 53/1984 of 26 december, the staff of the service of the Public Administrations, Royal Decree 598/1985 of 30 april, the law and order PAHS/1335/2012, of 14 june, for delegation of authority in the office of conflicts of interest).
- Procedures compatibility for the performance of a second post or activity in the public sector, where the main activity appropriate to the scope of the General state administration
- Management of support for the exercise of professional activities, labour, commercial or industrial outside the public administrations when public activity appropriate to the scope of the General state administration.
- The issuance of reports in connection with requests for compatibility of activities in the public sector, when the second Area of which corresponds to the General state administration and to be resolved within the competence of an autonomous community or a Local Corporation.
- The resolution of the options between public positions incompatible.