State secretariat for Public Service
By Royal Decree 1230/2023, of December 29, 2023, amending Royal Decree 829/2023, of November 20, 2023, the Ministry for Digital Transformation and the Civil Service is responsible for proposing and implementing the Government's policy on public administration, public service and public governance, with the Secretary of State for Public Service being attached to that ministerial department.
Our area of competence includes the direction and management of the public administration, public service and its legal regime; the remuneration system for the civil service; public governance and organization of the General State Administration; the regime of incompatibilities and conflicts of interest of members of the Government and senior officials; training of public employees the system of administrative mutualism for civil servants of the State; coordination of personnel policy between the various administrations and relations with trade unions in the field of the civil service.
Royal Decree 41/2024, of January 9, 2024, appoints Ms. Clara Mapelli Marchena as Secretary of State for the Civil Service.
Mission, vision and values
Our mission stems from our commitment to people.
For this reason, we promote the processes of transformation of public administration through actions aimed at consolidating stable and quality public employment, bringing the administration closer to citizens, responding to the demands of society and leading policies that promote equal opportunities.
We want to build a modern, 21st century public administration that provides inclusive, efficient public services based on excellence and ensures a new, more strategic governance model with a monitoring system that allows for greater accountability.
To this end, we want to have the voice of citizens in the development of public policies, to ensure that these policies fulfil the purpose for which they were designed and that all public employees are recognised as a reference point for all the values that the administration represents.
Our action is governed by the principles of transparency in public activity, publicity, ethical management, accountability, equal treatment and opportunities and professionalism in the exercise of our functions in order to contribute to a fairer, more peaceful and inclusive administration and society.
The secretariat of state of Public Service includes the following bodies:
- Directorate General for the civil service.María Isabel Borrell Roncalés
- Directorate General for Citizenship and Open Government.
- Office of conflicts of interest.Flor Maria Lopez Laguna
They also depend on the state secretariat for Public Service the following bodies with the rank of sub-department:
- Information Technology Division
- Institute for the evaluation of Public Policies
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Data protection
The information extracted from the treatment Activities (TAR) of the state secretariat for public office, which contains the personal data of the stakeholders will be stored in the corresponding treatment activity of the ministry for the Digital Processing and the civil service.